Save the dates! April 4th, 5th, and 6th! One dynamic speaker! 3 days! 5 Talks!
We are blessed and excited to welcome Karlo Broussard to our parish. (Bio at bottom of page)
*Watch for signups as the date gets closer*Talk #1: The New Relativism: Unmasking the Philosophy of Today’s Woke Moralists
Friday, April 4 / 6:30pm-7:30pm
For the longest time relativism was the nemesis of Christians and all people of right reason. Then, seemingly overnight, we’re being told that it’s not a problem anymore. Why? Because in today’s “woke” world, most people are now moralists, not relativists. They impose a litany of new, seemingly absolute “commandments” to make sure we’re never racist, sexist, judgmental, bigoted, “anti-science,” or a host of other deplorable things. So, relativism must be dead; yesterday’s news. In this talk, Karlo Broussard shows that the dictatorship of relativism isn’t dead; it’s just hiding—behind the mask of woke moralism. Scratch these modern commandments we’re supposed to live by, and lurking underneath you’ll find the same basic errors of relativism: mutated into new forms, perhaps, but no less dangerous to our world and our faith. Drawing on examples both timeless and fresh as today’s news, Karlo unpacks the various styles and flavors of the new relativism, shining a light on their modern woke disguises and showing how to dismantle them piece by piece.
Talk #2: The Splendor of the Catholic Faith
Saturday, April 5 / 2:00pm-3:00pm
In this talk, Karlo shows how the splendor of the Catholic Faith consists in the fullness of truth and life that subsists in the Catholic Church. Karlo provides the Catholic with the basic tools necessary to share with others the evidence that Christ invested such truth and life entirely in the Catholic Church, starting with Peter and the apostles.
Talk #3: Meeting the Protestant Challenge
Saturday, April 5 / 3:30pm-4:30pm
Protestants challenge Catholics in many ways. Sometimes the challenge takes the form, “Where’s that in the Bible?” But other times they object to a particular Catholic belief because they think a bible passage contradicts it. For example, “How can the Catholic Church teach that Mary was a perpetual virgin when the Bible says Jesus had brothers?” In this talk, Karlo gives five bible passages that Protestants commonly use to challenge Catholic beliefs and explain how to respond.
Talk #4: Apologetics for an Age of Unbelief
Saturday, April 5 / 7:00pm—8:00pm (time may shift by 30 minutes)
In this talk, Karlo gives a how-to approach for dispelling the major cultural myths that serve as obstacles to faith—namely, that there is no such thing as truth, belief in God is incompatible with science, and Jesus is no different than other religious leaders.
Talk #5: The Eucharist: Mere Symbol or Substantial Presence?
Sunday, April 6 / 9:30am—10:30am
In this talk, Karlo demonstrates the biblical nature of the Catholic Church’s teaching on the Eucharist as the real body and blood of Jesus. He will do this by drawing out the eucharistic truths found in Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse, the Last Supper, and St. Paul’s teaching on the Eucharist in his first letter to the Corinthians. Karlo will also explain the importance of the Eucharist in our lives in light of God’s relationship with the Israelites in the Old Testament.
Karlo holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in theology from Catholic Distance University and the Augustine Institute, as well as a masters in philosophy with Holy Apostles College and Seminary and a doctorate in philosophy with the Pontifical University St. Patrick’s in Maynooth, Ireland.
Karlo is one of the most dynamic and gifted Catholic speakers on the circuit today, communicating with precision of thought, a genuine love for God, and an enthusiasm that inspires.